Health Store

Welcome to our health store links!
If you’re here, you likely showed interest in a natural, holistic approach to your health.


Welcome to our links to the health store. You have probably reached here because you expressed interest in a “natural” holistic approach to your health condition.

Please note that we do not specifically endorse any one product or company. The list of customized recommendations that you received from any of our awesome health care providers are merely suggestions.

You are welcome to use any major retailer for purchasing any version of the supplements recommended or use any of the links below. The discount codes below have been created to help all our patient avail of wholesale discounts. We do not have financial affiliation or hold any shares in any of the companies below. You can also buy these products directly from the retailers if you like.

Sign up for a 15% discount for various supplements in the Full Script catalog.
In addition, you may get a customized plan link from your provider based on your health condition.

HEALTHY25FORYOU for an automatic 25% discount at check out.
Use code "adeetigupta" and zip code "10019" to create an account if prompted for these fields.
Use code: ADEETIGUPTA for an automatic 15% discount at check out.

We are providing a link to take control of your own health. The sign up process is simple. Please follow the instructions. We do not have any financial affiliation with the company nor do we guarantee their processes or results. We have simply placed the link here for ease of use. If you have any questions regarding testing process, steps or billing, please call Vibrant Labs directly.

This simple, easy three-step self-feedback loop is a formidable instrument in your journey to be a better leader, partner, coworker, or a saner, more peaceful you!

I have used it every day before bedtime for over three years, as have many of my friends and coworkers. Because it takes less than two minutes and has been so potent, I decided to formalize the system and share it with the world. This toolkit does not bind you by dates or years. You can pick it up and start anytime.

Learn more about what Functional Medicine approach means HERE.